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The Taub Faculty of Computer Science Events and Talks

Welcome to the "AI on the go: Programming the AI-PC" workshop - On behalf of Intel
event date icon
Wednesday, 22.01.2025, 17:00
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Taub 9

The AI ​​revolution is expanding from the cloud directly to our personal computers, and you are invited to join a 3-hour hands-on workshop where you can experience the latest advances and capabilities.

During the workshop, you will delve into the new technologies of Intel’s AI-PCs, build chatbots, produce photos and videos, and discover how to create music on your laptop.

The workshop is intended for anyone interested in expanding their knowledge in the field of AI and requires basic knowledge of Python.

There is space for the first 50 registrants, please fill in the details to register and secure your place!

The workshop will take place on January 22nd between 5:00 PM and 8:00 PM in Taub 9 room

Register here - hurry up and register, the number of places is limited!

Welcome to the "AI on the go: Programming the AI-PC" workshop - On behalf of Intel