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The Taub Faculty of Computer Science Events and Talks

ceClub: “Accelerated CPU Computing” Course
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Omri Palmon (Storage Architecture for HPC)
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Wednesday, 21.06.2023, 15:30
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Room 352, EE meyer Building
In this talk, we will review the various needs and solutions for storage in HPC environments. We will compare the requirements for storage when used for data input and output, scratch space, or inter-server communication, and review the various solutions for them, When reviewing solutions, we will analyze the various access protocols, technologies and specific solutions. We will also compare on-prem storage solutions to cloud-based ones, Bio: Dr. Omri Palmon has a Ph.D. in computer science from Stanford University, and a BSc. and MSc. degrees in pure mathematics from Tel Aviv University. Dr. Palmon is currently one of the co-founders of Weka.IO, a leader in modern scalable file system development, and was formerly VP product for XIV, which developed SAN solutions and was acquired by IBM.