Publications co-authored with Mendlovic, David

  1. Zeev Zalevsky, Eran Rosmann, Edmond Sabo, Ehud Rivlin, and David Mendlovic.
    Cancer Diagnosis by Microscopic Axial Super-Resolving Reconstruction Approach of Cytological and Histological Images.
    Optical Engineering, 45(8), 2006[pdf][abstract]
  2. Didi Sazbon, Zeev Zalevsky, Ehud Rivlin, and David Mendlovic.
    Using Fourier/Mellin-based correlators and their fractional versions in navigational tasks.
    Pattern Recognition, 35(12):2993-2999, 2002[pdf][abstract]
  3. Didi Sazbon, Ehud Rivlin, Zeev Zalevsky, and David Mendlovic.
    Optical Transformations in Visual Navigation.
    In ICPR, 4132-4135, 2000[pdf][abstract]
  4. Didi Sazbon, Ehud Rivlin, Zeev Zalevsky, and David Mendlovic.
    Optical Transformations in Visual Navigation.
    In ICPR00, Vol IV: 132-135, 2000[pdf][abstract]
  5. Zeev Zalevsky, David Mendlovic, Ehud Rivlin, and Stanley R. Rotman.
    Contrasted statistical processing algorithm for obtaining improved target detection performances in infrared cluttered environment.
    Optical Engineering, 39(10):2609--2617, 2000[pdf][abstract]