Biography - Gil, David G(eorg) (1924-) Contemporary Authors - 2002 Gale Reference Team Family: Surname legally changed, 1952; born March 16, 1924, in Vienna, Austria; came to United States in 1957, naturalized in 1963; son of Oskar and Helene (Weisz) Engel; married Eva A. Bresslauer, August 2, 1947; children: Daniel, Gideon. Education: Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel, B.A., 1957; University of Pennsylvania, M.S.W., 1958, D.S.W., 1963. Politics: Socialist. Military/Wartime Service: Israeli Army, 1948-49; conscientious objector, served as welfare officer. Memberships: International Peace Research Association, National Association of Social Workers, Academy of Certified Social Workers, American Sociological Association, Child Welfare League of America (member of publication advisory committee, 1964-71; member of research committee, 1968-71), American Ortho-Psychiatric Association, American Association of University Professors (member of executive committee of Brandeis University chapter, 1968), American Association for the Advancement of Science, American Bar Association (member of advisory committee on child abuse legislation, 1974-75), American Civil Liberties Union, Democratic Socialists of America, Union of Radical Political Economists, Association for Humanist Sociology (vice-president, 1978-79; president, 1980-81); Radical Alliance of Social Service Workers, New American Movement, American Humanist Association, War Registers League, Child Welfare League of America (member of publications advisory committee, 1964-71; member of research committee, 1968-71), Asia Society (member of panel on Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia, 1974--). Addresses: Home: 29 Blossomcrest Rd., Lexington, Mass. 02173. Office: Florence Heller Graduate School for Advanced Studies in Social Work, Brandeis University, Waltham, Mass. 02254. Professional experience: Counselor and teacher at Boys' Village for Dependent, Neglected, and Delinquent Boys, Department of Social Welfare, Jewish Community Council for Palestine, 1943-45; probation officer, Department of Social Welfare, Government of Palestine, 1945-48; Ministry of Social Welfare, Tel Aviv, Israel, senior probation officer, 1950-51, assistant director, 1951-53, chief supervisor, 1955-57; Jewish Family Service, Philadelphia, Pa., family counselor and family life educator, 1957-59; Association for Jewish Children, Philadelphia, supervisor and research associate, 1959-63; Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, Boston, director of research, 1963-64; Academia: Brandeis University, Florence Heller Graduate School for Advanced Studies in Social Work, Waltham, Mass., assistant professor of child welfare, 1964-66, associate professor of social welfare, 1966-69, professor of social policy, 1969--. Lecturer, Hebrew University, 1955-57, and Smith College, 1979-81; member of faculty, Harvard University, 1973; adjunct professor of sociology, Tufts University, 1973-77; visiting professor, George Warren Brown School of Social Work, Washington University, 1975--, McGill University, 1977, and University of Nebraska, 1978-79. Boston University, School of Social Work, member of faculty, Division of Continuing Education, 1972, member of research curriculum review committee, 1972. Member of professional advisory committee, Martha Eliot Center, 1967-68; member of steering committee, Program for Advanced Social Work Training in Teaching and Consultation in Child Treatment, Judge Baker Guidance Center, 1967-71; co-chairman of Committee to Develop an Adequate Standard of Living for Massachusetts, 1971; member of national advisory board, National Committee to Abolish Corporal Punishment in Schools, 1973; member of Massachusetts Committee for National Health Insurance, 1973--; member of board of directors, American Parents Committee, 1974--; member of professional advisory board, National Committee for Prevention of Child Abuse, 1974-82; member of external review committee, University of Minnesota School of Social Development, 1975; member of program committee, Consortium on Peace Research, Education, and Development, 1975-76; member of Langdon Associates, 1975--. Consultant to National Commission on the Causes and Prevention of Violence, 1968, National Science Foundation, 1973-74, Minnesota Systems Research, Inc., 1974-75, National Incidence of Child Abuse Study, 1975, Metropolitan College, Boston University, 1975, Westat, Inc., 1976-77, Ontario Council on Graduate Studies, 1979, and Center for Social Development and Humanitarian Affairs, United Nations, 1980-81. WRITINGS BY THE AUTHOR: * Implications for Doctoral Education in Social Welfare of an Examination of the Concept of Motivation, Brandeis University, Papers in Social Welfare, 1965. * (Editor and compiler) Doctoral Dissertations in Social Work Related to the Field of Child Welfare, Children's Bureau, U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, 1966. * (With John H. Noble) Public Knowledge, Attitudes and Opinions about Physical Child Abuse in the United States, Brandeis University, Papers in Social Welfare, 1967. * Nationwide Survey of Legally Reported Physical Abuse of Children, Brandeis University, Papers in Social Welfare, 1968. * Physical Abuse of Children: One Manifestation of Violence in American Society, National Commission on the Causes and Prevention of Violence, 1968. * Abusing Parents: Cultural and Class Factors, Virginia Commonwealth University, 1970. * (Editor) Violence against Children: Physical Child Abuse in the United States, Harvard University Press, 1970, revised edition, 1973, paperback edition published with new preface and appendix, 1978. * Unravelling Social Policy: Theory, Analysis, and Political Action towards Social Equality, Schenkman, 1973, 3rd edition, 1981. * The Challenge of Social Equality: Essays on Policy, Social Development, and Political Practice, Schenkman, 1976. * (Editor) Child Abuse and Violence, American Orthopsychiatric Association, 1979. * Beyond the Jungle: Essays on Human Possibilities, Social Alternatives, and Radical Practice, Schenkman, 1979. * (Author of foreword) Richard Volpe, Margot Breton, and Judith Milton, editors, The Maltreatment of the School-aged Child, Heath, 1980. * (Author of foreword) Ellie Winberg and Tom Wilson, editors, Single Rooms: Stories of an Urban Subculture, Schenkman, 1981. * (Co-Editor) Toward Social and Economic Justice: A Conference in Search of Strategies for Social Change, March 23-25, 1984, Schenkman, 1985. * (Co-Editor) The Future of Work: A Conference of the Center for Social Change Practice and Theory, 1985, Schenkman,1987. * (Correspondence) In die Emigration, Briefe aus den Jahren 1939-1945, J & V Edition, 1988. * Confronting Injustice and Oppression: Concepts and Strategies for Social Workers, Columbia University Press, 1998. Contributor: * H. Aptekar, editor, Social Work Practice, 1966, National Conference on Social Welfare, Columbia University Press, 1966. * Ray E. Helfer and C. H. Kempe, editors, The Battered Child, University of Chicago Press, 1968. * Social Security: The First 35 Years, University of Michigan Press, 1966. * Alan Gorr, editor, The School in the Social Setting: Source Readings, Mss Educational Publishing, 1971. * Mason P. Thomas, Jr., editor, Proceedings of the Second Governor's Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect, University of North Carolina, Institute of Government, 1972. * Urie Bronfenbrenner, editor, Influences on Human Development, Dryden, 1972. * Alvin L. Schorr, editor, Children and Decent People, Basic Books, 1974. * Jerome Leavitt, editor, The Battered Child: Selected Readings, General Learning Press, 1974. * Robert Brenner, editor, Children and Youth in America, Harvard University Press, 1974. * Suzanne K. Steinmetz and Murray A. Straus, editors, Violence in the Family, Dodd, 1974. * Louis Lowy, editor, Social Welfare Policy, Xerox Individualized Publishing, 1975. * Susan B. Harris, editor, Child Abuse: Present and Future, National Committee for Prevention of Child Abuse, 1975. * Tropman, Dluhy, Lind, Vasey, and Croxton, editors, Strategic Perspectives on Social Policy, Pergamon, 1976. * Ann H. Beuf and Dorothy Kurz, editors, Childhood: A Social Construct, Xerox Individualized Publishing, 1977. * Daniel Porter Kimble, editor, Contrast and Controversy in Modern Psychology, Goodyear Publishing, 1977. * Pamela Cantor, editor, Understanding a Child's World: Readings in Infancy through Adolescence, McGraw, 1977. * Constance M. Lee, editor, Child Abuse: A Reader and Source Book, Open University Press, 1978. * Sheila Maybanks and Marvin Bryce, editors, Home-Based Services for Children and Families: Policy, Practice, and Research, C. C. Thomas, 1978. * J. M. Ekelaar and S. Katz, editors, Family Violence, Butterworth & Co., 1978. * Judith Areen, editor, Cases and Materials on Family Law, Foundation Press, 1978. * Jesse A. Goldner, editor, Child Abuse and Neglect and the Law, Institute on Child Behavior and Development, University of Iowa, 1979. * Volpe, Breton, and Milton, editors, Schools and the Problem of Child Abuse, University of Toronto Press, 1979. * Wolfgang Merten and Eberhard Windaus, editors, Forum Kindesmisshandlung-Praevention, Intervention, Nachsorge, Kinderschutz-Zentrum, 1979. * Richard Bourne and Eli H. Newberger, editors, Critical Perspectives on Child Abuse, Heath, 1979. * Social Policy and Social Services, Ginn, 1980. * William Feigelman, editor, Prescription for Better Days: Readings on Policy Alternatives for America's Social Problems, W. C. Brown, 1980. * Joanne V. Cook and Roy T. Bowles, editors, Child Abuse: Commission and Omission, Butterworths, 1980. * Leroy H. Pelton, editor, The Social Context of Child Abuse, Human Sciences, 1981. * Anne Crichton, editor, Health Policy Making, Health Administration Press, 1981. * John F. Jones and Rama S. Pandey, editors, Social Development: Conceptual, Methodological and Policy Issues, St. Martin's, 1981. * Bill Roberts, editor, Abuse in Families, Open University Press, 1982. Contributor to professional journals, including Journal of Health and Social Behavior, Social Service Review, Journal of Marriage and the Family, Journal of Education for Social Work, Child Welfare, Children, Humanity and Society, and Social Work. Member of editorial board, American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 1973-77, Humanity and Society, 1976-66, and Social Development Issues, 1976--. Consulting reader, American Sociological Review, 1973--; associate editor, Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare, 1974--, and Children and Youth Services Review, 1978; consulting editor, Evaluation and Health Professions, 1977--, and Journal of International and Comparative Social Welfare, 1981--. Citation Details Title: Biography - Gil, David G(eorg) (1924-) Author: Gale Reference Team Publication: Contemporary Authors (Biography) Date: 2002 Publisher: Thomson Gale