Publications in the area of Algorithms

  1. Jeffrey A. Fayman, Oded Sudarsky, Ehud Rivlin, and Michael Rudzsky.
    Zoom tracking and its applications.
    Mach. Vis. Appl., 13(1):25-37, 2001[pdf][abstract]
  2. Amit Adam, Ehud Rivlin, and Ilan Shimshoni.
    Towards a Meta Motion Planner A: Model and Framework.
    In ICRA, 285-290, 2001[pdf][abstract]
  3. Amit Adam, Ehud Rivlin, and Hector Rotstein.
    Fusion of Fixation and Odometry for Vehicle Navigation.
    In ICRA, 1638-1643, 1999[pdf][abstract]
  4. Ronen Basri, Ehud Rivlin, and Ilan Shimshoni.
    Visual Homing: Surfing on the Epipoles.
    International Journal of Computer Vision, 33(2):117-137, 1999[pdf][abstract]
  5. Ronen Basri, Ehud Rivlin, and Ilan Shimshoni.
    Image-Based Robot Navigation Under the Perspective Model.
    In ICRA, 2578-2583, 1999[pdf][abstract]
  6. Ohad Ben-Shahar and Ehud Rivlin.
    To push or not to push: on the rearrangement of movable objects by a mobile robot.
    IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B, 28(5):667-679, 1998[pdf][abstract]