Initial Observations on the SkipJack Encryption Algorithm

Eli Biham, Alex Biryukov, Orr Dunkelman, Eran Richardson Adi Shamir
Computer Science Dept.
Applied Math Dept.
TechnionThe Weizmann Institute

June 25, 1998

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SkipJack is the secret key encryption algorithm used by the US government in the Clipper chip and Fortezza PC card. It was implemented in tamper-resistant hardware and its structure had been classified since its introduction in 1993. On June 24th, 1998, SkipJack was unclassified, and described in the web site of NIST.

This note summarizes our main observations, after several hours of analysis. Our main finding so far is that SkipJack reduced from 32 to 16 rounds can be broken by an attack which is faster than an exhaustive search. This is obviously a very initial result, and may indicate that SkipJack does not have a conservative design with huge margins of safety.

In the remainder of this note we describe a simplified implementation of SkipJack, which is faster than the original published definition. This modified description will be the basis for the subsequent analysis. We then use the standard terminology of differential and linear cryptanalysis to describe our best cryptanalytic results so far.

Efficient Implementation of SkipJack

The published description of SkipJack characterizes the rounds as either Rule A or Rule B. Each round is described in the form of a linear feedback shift register with additional non linear keyed G permutation. Rule B is basically the inverse of Rule A with minor positioning differences. SkipJack applies eight rounds of Rule A, followed by eight rounds of Rule B, followed by another eight rounds of Rule A, followed by another eight rounds of Rule B.

The Software implementation becomes simpler and more efficient if we unroll the rounds, and keep the four elements in the shift register stationary. In this form the code is simply a sequence of alternate G operations and XOR operations of cyclically adjacent elements. In this representation the main difference between Rule A and Rule B is the direction in which the adjacent elements are XORed (left to right or right to left). The following figure describes this representation:

(only the first 16 rounds out of the 32 are listed).

An Observation Regarding the Key Schedule

The key schedule is cyclic in the sense that the same set of four bytes of the subkeys (entering a single G permutation) are repeated every five rounds, and there are only five such sets. In addition, the key bytes are divided into two sets: the even bytes and the odd bytes. The even bytes always enter the even rounds of the G permutation, while the odd bytes always enter the odd round of the G permutation.

Differential and Linear Properties of the F Table

We generated the differential and linear distribution tables of the F Table, and found that in the difference distribution table In the linear approximation table

Differential and Linear Properties of the G Permutation

Let a and b be two byte values such that the differences a->b and b->a by the F Table have non-zero entries in the difference distribution table. We can prove that the best possible characteristic of G must be of the form: input difference: (a,0), output differences: (0,b), with the intermediate differences (a,0)->(a,0)->(a,b)->(0,b)->(0,b). There are 10778 pairs of such a and b, of which four have probability 48/2^16=2^-10.42. They are (in hex) Most others have probability 2^-14 (6672 pairs) and 2^-13 (3088 pairs), and the others are distributed with probabilities between 2^-13 and 2^-10.67.

Given a and b, there are additional characteristics with three active F Tables (rather than only two), and for the above values of a and b the probabilities are between 2^-15.4 and 2^-15.83. These characteristics of G are (0,b)->(a,b) and (a,b)->(a,0). In particular we get a cycle of three characteristics which can be denoted in the form (a,0)->(0,b)->(a,b)->(a,0).

The linear cryptanalysis case is similar. As the characteristics are build in a similar way where XORs are replaced by duplication and duplication are replaced by XOR of the subsets of parity bits, we can have the same analysis for linear cryptanalysis. In this case we have 52736 possible pairs of a and b, and the best characteristic of G (a=b=60 hex) has probability 1/2+2*676/2^16=1/2+2^{-5.6}.

Differential Cryptanalysis of SkipJack with Reduced Number of Rounds

The differential cryptanalysis we describe here attacks 16-round SkipJack considerably faster than exhaustive search.

The Characteristic

The best characteristics of 16-round SkipJack that we are aware of at this point use the characteristics of G described above. The plaintext difference is (a,0, a,0, 0,0, 0,b) and only six active G permutations (in which there are a total of 14 active F Tables) are required to achieve the ciphertext difference (0,b, 0,b, a,0, 0,0). These characteristics have probability about 2^-72.9, and there are four such characteristics.

The Basic Attack

Given the ciphertexts of many plaintext pairs with the difference (a,0, a,0, 0,0, 0,b), it is easy to identify and discard most of the wrong pairs in a 0R-attack. However, such an attack requires about 2^73 pairs, which exceeds the number of possible plaintext pairs. We observe that only a 12-round characteristic is required, with probability about 2^52.1. In this case we choose about 2^55 chosen plaintext pairs, and can discard most wrong pairs, except for a fraction of 2^-32 of them. Thus, about 2^23 pairs remain.

Now we use a second observation that the same set of subkeys is used in the first and the 16th rounds. We try all the 2^32 possible sets of subkeys and for each remaining pair we encrypt the first round and verify that the characteristic of G holds, and decrypt the last round and verify whether the expected difference (a,0) holds. The probability that a wrong set of subkeys does not discard a pair is 2^-16*2^-10.4=2^-26.4, and thus for most sets of subkeys no pairs remain or only one or two pairs remain. The right set of subkeys should suggest about eight pairs, as this is the expected number of right pairs. Thus, we can identify 32 bits of the key, and later with similar techniques (or even exhaustive search of the remaining 48 bits of the key) we can complete the cryptanalysis.

We can even do moderately better using structures of several characteristics, or using a first round trick similar to the one used in the cryptanalysis of the full 16-round DES.

Linear Cryptanalysis of SkipJack with Reduced Number of Rounds

The linear case is very similar. As the characteristics are built in a similar way where XORs are replaced by duplications and duplications are replaced by XORs of the subsets of parity bits, and as Rule A and Rule B differ essentially in this way, we can have very similar analysis for linear cryptanalysis. The probability of the best linear characteristic we found is about 1/2+2^-35.5, and thus the attack seems to require more known plaintexts than possible. However, this number can be reduced below 2^64 by using shorter characteristics.

Modified Variants of SkipJack

SkipJack uses alternately eight rounds of Rule A and eight rounds of Rule B. In this section we investigate whether other mixing orders strengthen or weaken the cipher. A simple example uses alternately four `Rule A' rounds and four `Rule B' rounds. We found for this cipher a 16-round characteristic with considerably higher probability of about 2^{-52.1} rather than about 2^{-72.9} in the case of SkipJack (this characteristic's plaintext difference is (0,0, a,0, a,b, 0,0)). Applying attacks similar to the ones described above should require less than 2^30 chosen plaintexts.

When Rule A rounds and Rule B rounds appear in reverse order (i.e., Rule B is applied first), the results are as follows: when eight rounds of each are applied consecutively the probability of the characteristic reduces to 2^-77.5, and when four rounds of each are applied consecutively, the probability increases to 2^-51.7.

This indicates that the order of Rule A and Rule B rounds can have a major impact on the security of modified variants of SkipJack.

Other Comments on the Design

The XOR operations of Rule A and Rule B after round 8 and after round 24 (on the borders between Rule A to Rule B) are consecutive without application of the G permutation in between. Thus, the code
W2 = G(W2, subkey)   ; from Rule A
W1 = W1 XOR W2       ; from Rule A
W2 = W2 XOR W1       ; from Rule B
W1 = G(W1, subkey)   ; from Rule B
actually exchanges the words W1 and W2, and XOR only one as in
W2 = G(W2, subkey)   ; from Rule A
swap W1 and W2
W1 = W1 XOR W2
W1 = G(W1, subkey)   ; from Rule B
i.e., W2 becomes the previous W1.

Also, on the border between Rule B to Rule A (after round 16), there are two applications of the G permutation on two different words, with no other linear mixing in between.

Note that Rule A mixes the output of the G permutation to the input of the next G permutation, while Rule B mixes the input of a G permutation to the output of the previous G permutation (similarly in decryption of Rule A), and thus during encryption the Rule B rounds add little to the avalanche effect, and during decryption Rule A rounds add little to the avalanche effect.

It is interesting to note that (due to its design) many criteria used in other ciphers are not used in SkipJack (for example, a difference of one input bit in a DES S box cannot cause a difference of only one bit in its output, but there are many such instances in the F Table of SkipJack).


We thank Rivka Zur, the Technion CS secretary, for preparing the figures.
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