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Publications Related to: Macro Learning

By Shaul Markovitch

  1. Shaul Markovitch. Applications of Macro Learning to Path Planning. Technical report CIS9907, Technion, 1999.[abstract][pdf]
  2. Lev Finkelstein and Shaul Markovitch. A Selective Macro-learning Algorithm and its Application to the NxN Sliding-Tile Puzzle. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 8:223-263 1998.[abstract][pdf]
  3. Uri Keidar, Shaul Markovitch and Erez Webman. Utilization Filtering of Macros Based on Goal Similarity. Technical Report CIS9608, Technion, 1996.[abstract][pdf]
  4. Shaul Markovitch and Irit Rosdeutscher. Systematic Experimentation with Deductive Learning: Satisficing vs. Optimizing Search. In Proceedings of the Knowledge Compilation and Speedup Learning Workshop, Aberdeen, Scotland, 1992.[abstract][pdf]
  5. Shaul Markovitch and Paul Scott. The Role of Forgetting in Learning. In Proceedings of The Fifth International Conference on Machine Learning, 459-465 Ann Arbor, MI, 1988.Morgan Kaufmann[abstract][pdf]