Living descendants of Arpad Deutsch

Living descendants:

Erich has a daughter Eva, living in Germany.
Peter has three children, Adam, Beverly and Marika living in Canada. Living descendants: Erich has a daughter, Eva Henrici-Dolc, living in Hamburg. Peter has, from first marriage a son, Adam Deutsch, born 10.04.1956, and a daughter Beverly Deutsch, born 19.10.1957, both living in Toronto. He has a daughter from his second marriage, Marika Deutsch, born 24.08.1992. Adam was born in 1956 in Toronto, Beverly in 1957 in Toronto and Marika in 1990 in Yokohama. Adam is married to Sonhi Kim and they have a son, Raphael, born 02.11.1992 in Toronto.

Adam and Sonhi, 1988 ----------- Beverly, 2000 ----------- Marika, 2003
e-mail and http:
Eva Henrici:,
Peter Deutsch:,
Beverly Deutsch:,
Adam Deutsch:
Eiko Okunuki-Deutsch:
Marika Deutsch: