These are the coding standards of IRIT. If you make some changes to the IRIT code, please attempt to follow these rules. Gershon Elber Compile with IRIT makefile/flag tools to ensure maximum warnings. Attempt to minimize the number of warnings. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GENERAL ------- Code should not exceed column 80. If the code is going to "look" better with more that 80 columns it is allowed but should be restricted as possible. NESTING ------- Nesting of all expressions is by 4 spaces. Tabs used are 8 spaces. This is Unix style (and also windows notepad style). However, on windows, Visual Studio is not using this rule by default (you have to change that in VS: Tools -> Options -> Text Editor -> C/C++ -> Tabs) SPACES ------ No spaces are allowed after '(' and before ')' in a function call or math expression. However, spaces are required between arguments after the comma or between operations: sin(x); Function1(x, y, z); x + 5 * sin(y); Spaces should also be placed between operators. That is "p -> Pt[1] == y" (and not ("p->Pt[1]==y")). FUNCTION HEADER'S COMMENT ------------------------- The comment of a function (method in C++) will consist of the following sections: * DESCRIPTION: a general descript of the function. This block of information will be copied to the programmer manual. Two types of records can appear in this section: 1. A line terminated with 'M' - this line will be copied and be formated. 2. A line terminated with 'V' - this line will be copied verbatim as is. * PARAMETERS: enumeration of all function's parameter one per line and the description of the parameter. Several parameters of very close association may be placed in one line (for example "U, V: the parametic location on S"). If the function gets no parameters, "None" should appear. * RETURN VALUE: the type of the returned value, (or void if no return value) and a description as to its meaning. A C++ con/destructor will have 'NoValue' in this slot. * SEE ALSO: list of other functions that are related. This section is optional and is unlikely to exist in local static functions. * KEYWORDS: list of keywords that are related, with the function name as the first keyword. This section does not exist in local static functions. Example: /***************************************************************************** * DESCRIPTION: M * Multi line description of the function. This is a text that will be copied M * to the programmer's manual iff the end of the line is M instead of a * M * like this line. M * If a V is found at the end of the line, it is copied Verbatim. Example: M * A x + B y + C z + D w + E = 0 V * defines an hyper plane in four space. M * M * Proper indentation will be given to algorithms or sequences that begin M * with an alpha-numeric values followed by a point. For example: M * M * 1. One letter which sets the option letter (i.e. 'x' for option '-x'). M * 1.1 Allow even sub sequences. M * 2. '!' or '%' to determines if this option is really optional ('%') or M * it must be provided by the user ('!'). M * 3. '-' always. M * 4. Sequences that start with either '!' or '%'. M * Each sequence will be followed by one or two characters which M * defines the kind of the input: M * 4.1 d, x, o, u - integer is expected (decimal, hex, octal base or M * unsigned). M * 4.2 D, X, O, U - long integer is expected (same as above). M * 4.3 f - float number is expected. M * * * PARAMETERS: M * I1: one per line, must have an M at the end to show up in prog manual. M * C2: this parameter is the second one. M * * * RETURN VALUE: M * int: Number of manuals to create. M * * * SEE ALSO: (only if a global non static function) M * ProgrammerManual2, ReferenceManual M * * * KEYWORDS: (only if a global non static function). M * ProgrammerManual, manual, documentation M *****************************************************************************/ int ProgrammerManual(int I1, char C2) { } Functions that are obviously auxiliary can have the postfix Aux must be static, and can have documentation as: /***************************************************************************** * AUXILIARY: * * Auxiliary function to function SymbPiecewiseRuledSrfApprox * *****************************************************************************/ static CagdSrfStruct *CagdPiecewiseRuledSrfAux(CagdSrfStruct *Srf, CagdBType ConsistentDir, CagdRType Epsilon, CagdSrfDirType Dir) The function comment must be followed very precisely so they could be extracted out of the code directly into the programmer's manual. If you are using the emacs editor (If you dont, you better switch to it), add irit.el from the irit subdirectory to your .emacs. This emacs-lisp file contains a definition for make-irit-c-function which expands a skeleton from a given prototype. Once irit.el is installed, type 'M-x make-irit-c-function' followed by a function prototype 'int Test(char c)'. There are also similar macros for VS 2008/2010 that can help you generate function and file header. See IRIT_SM_MACROS in the respective WindowsVC20xx subdirectory, macros that can be loaded using "Tools -> Macros -> Load Macro Project". Unfortunately, VS 2012 and above supports macros no longer. Static functions will never have 'M' or 'V' as last character in line. Only '*'. The 'SEE ALSO' section of the function header is recommended but optional. C++ code should use the "Class::Method" as the function name in the keyword and the "SEE ALSO" section would include the "Class" name. INTERNAL COMMENTS ----------------- Internal comments inside functions will be aligned to the right to column 80 if the are commenting expression in the same line: i %= 2; /* Is i even? */ Comments that explain the following block, will be left aligned as the block. The comment does not need to be right aligned to column 80 as well: /* This is a comment for the next line. */ i %= 2; All comments should follow regular English rules - be properly Capitalized and terminate with a point. C++ code should NOT use the new line comment stype of "// C++ comment notation." FUNCTION AND VARIABLE NAMES --------------------------- Both function and variable names will have NO UNDERSCORES. Words will be capitalized to distinguish them from each other. Variables of single character will be lower case. Examples of valid names: ThisIsAFunction, VariableOne, X1, i, j Global functions should prevent from name space collisions, via the use of related and unique prefixes. For example the "Cagd" prefix in the function (and variables names) of the cagd library. If a function (or a variable) is to be used inside a library by more than one module (file), yet the function (or a variable) is not to be considered global, the function (or variable) must be prefixed with underscore ('_'). For example, "_CagdMakePolygon" or "_CagdSrf2PolygonStrips". Most libraries have a xxxx_loc.h file to hold such declarations. CLASSES, STRUCTURES and UNIONS ------------------------------ Structures must be typedef defined and the type must have a 'Struct' Suffix.. A structure will be defined with indentation of four spaces. If next and prev slots are allocated, they must be called Pnext and Pprev respectively and declared first (so tracers can iterate over them, generically). If an attribute slot (IPAttributeStruct) is also used, it must be called Attr: typedef struct CagdPtStruct { struct CagdPtStruct *Pnext; struct IPAttributeStruct *Attr; CagdPType Pt; } CagdPtStruct; Classes will follow the same guideline with a 'Class' suffix. The methods of the class will be indented eight spaces, as the modifiers, such as "private:" and "public:", will be indented four spaces: class IrtDspStaticColorsClass { public: IrtDspStaticColorsClass(): White(255, 255, 255), Yellow(225, 225, 25), Cyan(0, 230, 230), Magenta(230, 0, 230), Red(255, 0, 0), Green(0, 255, 0), Blue(0, 0, 255), Gray(180, 180, 180), Black(0, 0, 0) {} const IrtDspRGBAClrClass White; const IrtDspRGBAClrClass Yellow; }; Defined types (via typedef) will hint on themselves. All typedef will have the following suffixes: * For a typedef of a pointer to a function, name of typedef will terminate with "FuncType". For example, "CagdCompFuncType" or "IritPrsrPrintFuncType". * All other typedefs will terminate with "Type". For example "CagdRType" or "IrtDspPanelType". VARIABLE'S DECLARATIONS ----------------------- Variables will be declared at the deepest nesting possible. That is, if a variable is used in one module, it will be local (static) to the module. If the variable is used in one function, it will be defined in one function. If a variable is used in one block in one function, it will be defined in that block. * Variables will be declared static first, followed by automatic. * Variables will be declared from simple type to complex/composed ones. * Variables that are intialized are to be declared one per line, indented once from the indentation level of the variable type. * One empty line should separate variable declarations from following code. C++ allows declaration of variables everywhere. Declare your variables at the latest time, when you need them. One line should seperate such a declaration from the code below and above the declaration. However, do not declare variable inside for-loops. The declaration of 'i' in "for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)" does not allow the examination of the value of i once the loop terminates, a useful feature in debugging. Example: IRIT_STATIC_DATA int LastCount = 0; IRIT_STATIC_DATA RealType FirstValue, SecondValue, ThirdValue = 3.0, LastValue = 0.0; IRIT_STATIC_DATA IPObjectStruct *TmpObj; char Str[LINE_LEN], *p, *Name = "MyName"; int Dir = REAL_PTR_TO_INT(RDir), OldOrder = Dir == CAGD_CONST_U_DIR ? Srf -> VOrder : Srf -> UOrder, NewOrder = REAL_PTR_TO_INT(RNewOrder); IPObjectStruct *SrfObj; CagdSrfStruct *TSrf, *Srf = PObjSrf -> U.Srfs; The IRIT_STATIC_DATA is typically #defined to 'static' but use it and not just 'static' for portability reasons. Do not use the 'register' modifier. Global variables should prevent from name space collisions, via the use of related and unique prefixes. For example the "Cagd" prefix in the variables (and function names) of the cagd library. All global variables should also be prefixed with IRIT_GLOBAL_DATA. I.e.: IRIT_GLOBAL_DATA jmp_buf GlblLongJumpBuffer; INPUT AND OUTPUT ---------------- Refrain from using iosteam, in C++, and use the C style printf/scanf code. This will reduce the size of the generated executables and will also make all printing in the system more consistent. PARAMETERS OF FUNCTIONS ----------------------- Parameters of function prototypes will either be all in one line: int Func1Test(int Len, RealType *Vect) or all arguments must be aligned one below the other: static CagdSrfStruct *CagdPiecewiseRuledSrfAux(CagdSrfStruct *Srf, CagdBType ConsistentDir, CagdRType Epsilon, CagdSrfDirType Dir) Local (to a file) functions must be declared static and a prototype of the function should also be placed in the beginning of the file. Otherwise, for a non static function, a prototype must be place in the appropriate header ('.h' file) file. MACROS ------ All the names of the macros will be in uppercase and words seperated by underscore: #define IRIT_LINE_LEN_VLONG 1024 /* Lines read from stdin/files... */ #define IRIT_MIN(x, y) ((x) > (y) ? (y) : (x)) All macros that are local to a file will be defined at the beginning of the file after the #include statements. Global macros will be defined in the appropriate header file. Global macros should prevent from name space collision, much like global variables, via the use of related prefixes. For example CAGD prefix in the cagd library. POINTERS and SLOTS ------------------ Points should be seperated before and after with a space: X = P -> Coords[1]; This is not the case for slots of a structure: X = P.Coords[1]; BLOCKS ------ Blocks starts with '{' and ends with '}'. If the block is a beginning of a function then it will start with '{' at column 1 and end at column 1 with '}'. Otherwise, it will start with some expression as for/if/while etc. in the nesting form: expression { . . . } FOR --- for (x = 0; x < 10; x++) or for (x = 0, i = 1; x < 5; x++, i--) The body of the for loop can never be in the same line where the ')' is. The ')' can only be followed by '{' and the body will start in the next line nested 4 space deapper: for (....) x = sin(j); or for (....) { x = y / j; y = j + 2; } Notice that after a semicolon (';') there must be a space (in a 'for' statement example) or a newline. A single line will hold a single expression WHILE ----- while (x > 0) x--; /* Better use x = 0! */ or while (x > 0 && y > 0) { x -= 4; y -= 4; } or while (x > 0 && x < 5) x /= 2; IF -- if (x > 0) x = -x; or if (x > 0 && y > 0) { x = -x; y = -y; } or if (x > 0) x = -x; else x /= 2; or if (x > 0) x = -x; else if (x < -100) x /= 20; else x /= 2; In case an if expression has an else clause both, bodies will be aligned 4 space deep (The body of the if clause can not be in same line as the if and must be aligned with the else body). SWITCH ------ switch (i) { case 1: printf("1"); break; case 2: printf("2"); break; case 3: printf("3"); break; default: printf("Too big"); break; } GENERAL PROGRAMMING COMMENTS ---------------------------- For portability, you should use IritMalloc, IritRealloc and IritFree for dynamic memory maintenance. For this same reason you should also use IritRandom/IritRandomInit and IritSleep, IritCPUTime and IritRealTimeDate, whenever appropriate. Employ the macros defined in irit_sm.h as much as possible. FINAL REMARK ------------ If you are still not sure how the code should be formated in some specific case, consult the code. Out of the hundreds of thousands of lines of code, you are most likely to find a similar case to yours. Write your code as if it is going to become a library. Isolate and encapsulate everything as much as possible. For modules that performs a specific task, isolate the access to a small set of accessor functions that have unique names using a prefix that hints on the functionality of the module. If you must have macros and/or global variables that are accessible to the world, make them uniquely prefixed in a similar manner.