Movie Examples
Shadows and Reflections
This example shows simple display of shadows and reflections of an existing object by altering its rendered properties.
Grids and Shadows
This example shows how to handle the different grids and optional shadows on these grids.
Shows how one can translate/rotate/scale geometry. Also presents shadows on the possible grids the system offers.
Primitives and Booleans
A simple example of primitive object creation using the interactive update option of (numeric) parameters, using right-mouse click-and-drag over numeric widgets. This example also shows a simple Boolean operation - with its geometric parameter selection. Objects' dependency is demonsrtated here by modifying a primitive, after the Booleans were conducted, only to immediately update the result. This demo uses GuIrit DLL extensions GuIritDllPrims.dll and GuIritDllBoolOp.dll
Curve Sketching and MR Editing
Ability to sketch a curve and then multiresolution (MR) editing of curves. This demo uses GuIrit DLL extensions GuIritDllCrvSketch.dll and GuIritDllMRCrv.dll.
Construction of an Extruded Surface
Shows one surface constructor (extrusion) by selecting a circle costructor as its curve parameter which allows interactive update of all parameters of both the circle and the extrusion constructors, via dependencies. This demo uses GuIrit DLL extensions GuIritDllSurfaces.dll (for the extrusion) and GuIritDllCurves.dll (for the circle). Again, right-mouse click-and-drag is used to modify numeric widgets.
Trivariate fitted through Surfaces
Building a trivariate volume that is fitted through a sequence of surfaces. This demo uses GuIrit DLL extensions GuIritDllSurfaces.dll and GuIritDllTrivars.dll.
Volumetric Displacement Deformation Mapping Curves
(Symbolicaly) compose three orthogonal cylinders multiple times inside a trivariate (constructed in previous demo, fitted through surfaces). This demo uses GuIrit DLL extensions GuIritDllSurfaces.dll and GuIritDllTrivars.dll.
Simple Image Import utility
A simple DLL (GuIritDllImportImage.dll) exemplifying a simple interface to import images into Guirit.
3D Deformation Example
Exemplifies freeform deformation abilities. This demo uses GuIrit DLL extensions GuIritDllDeformations.dll.
Modeling Impossible Objects I
Exemplifies a simple creation of an "impossible model" This demo uses GuIrit DLL extensions GuIritDllImpossible.dll.
Modeling Impossible Objects II
Exemplifies that last stae of creation of an "impossible model" This demo uses GuIrit DLL extensions GuIritDllImpossible.dll.
INTERIA Web Design & Development