Cryptography & Complexity

Spring 2005 - Home exercise #3

Instructor: Dr. Erez Petrank,     T.A.: Benny Appelbaum

To be delivered on sunday 5/6/2003 in Erez's mailbox.

Exercise 3 on the web:

Question 1:

Consider the following private key encryption scheme.  It is based on a pseudo random generator G  which expands seeds of length n into pseudo random strings of length p(n): The output of the generator is used only once for encryption.  To encrypt many messages, modify the above scheme so that the generator produces a string of length p(n)  which is longer than the length of all messages (so now the length of each message is shorter than the expansion p(n) ).  In this scheme, one uses separate parts of the pseudo random string to encrypt each of the messages.  Assume that $p(n)$ is greater or equal to the number of bits in all messages. The first message is encrypted with the beginning of the pseudo random string, and the bits used are then marked "used".  The second message is encrypted with the beginning part of the unused bits in the pseudo random string.  The bits used for the encryption are then marked used, and so forth.  Which of these claims hold?
  1. This encryption scheme is robust in the sense of indistinguishability to a passive attack?
  2. This encryption scheme is robust in the sense of indistinguishability to a chosen plaintext attack?
  3. This encryption scheme is robust in the sense of indistinguishability to a non-adaptive chosen ciphertext attack (CCA1)?
  4. This encryption scheme is robust in the sense of indistinguishability to a adaptive chosen ciphertext attack (CCA2)?
Note that during the attack an oracle for encryption or decryption follows the same rule: a bit of the output of the generator is used only once (either for the requested decryptions/encryptions or for the challenge).
Prove the claim with the highest index that is true.  If Claim 4 is not true and you have proven claim number i, show that claim number i+1 is not true.

Question 2:

Prove that the Blum-Goldwasser probabilistic public key encryption is vulnerable (in a very strong sense) to adaptive chosen ciphertext attack (CCA2).

Question 3:

Propose a modification of the definition of security in the sense of indistinguishability so that the algorithms are not given the length of the plaintext.  Prove that in such a case there exists no secure encryption schemes. 
Guideline: first show that for some polynomial  p,  |E(1n)| < p(n)  always holds, whereas for some x in {0,1}p(n) it must hold that  Pr[ |E(x)| < p(n) ] < 1/2 .

Question 4 :

Let (G,E,D) and (G',E',D') be two encryption schemes, i.e., the algorithms are efficient and satisfy Dk(Ek(x))=x, for all x's and k's.  Suppose we know that one of them is (semantically) secure.  Is the composition of the two encryption schemes still semantically secure?  Answer this question first for the CCA1 attack model and then for the CCA2 attack model.  Does it make a difference is the weak scheme is invoked first or second in the composition?